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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
It's time to face the true, I'll never give up. Love You All! http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1880752/images/o-GISE…

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://photos-g.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpf… Merry Christmas! Wishing you all lots of love, health and light 🎋🎅🙏 Feliz Natal! Muito saúde, amor e luz a todos.

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://photos-h.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa… How cute!?!? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ "você não dá azar… não escute eles!"

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://photos-b.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xpa… ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://celebmafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/0… In way to my label records. ❤️ Em meio a meus registros de etiqueta. ❤️

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
Heidi Samuel Klum (dezaktywowana) http://wlnk.pl/dyJL/ BFF with @HeidiSamuelKlum

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://noticierodiario.com.ar/wp-content/upload… BFF with @HeidiSamuelKlum

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
No more sleeping until noon. Time to go to work./ Não mais dormir até meio-dia. Hora de ir ao trabalho. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zURQ6KEB-Ns/UQ13Y0mJR…

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
Working for Chanel is pure pleasure! Trabalhar para a Chanel é puro prazer! https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn…

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_det… What is your valentine plan? Qual é o seu plano de Valentim?

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
Be ready Feb. 5th starting my second tour! It's not a joke ;) Esteja pronto 05 de fevereiro de iniciar minha segunda turnê! Não é uma piada ;)

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://i35.tinypic.com/10q99hd.jpg How do I look in my new glass? Como eu estou no meu novo copo?

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
http://thunderbird37.com/wp-content/uploads/201… My new W cover! Minha nova capa W

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
Merry Christmas once again ;) it's a little sneak peek of my new Vogue Brazil issue ;) Feliz Natal mais uma vez;) é um pouco sneak peek da minha nova edição da Vogue Brasil ;) http://myfabulousstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2…

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Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana) @Gisele Caroline Bundchen (dezaktywowana)
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn… God thank you for my large family Deus obrigado pela minha grande família


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